BTL services market in Russia
Since BTL services directly came to Russia from the West, their delivery is based on well-established and tested principles of work. But it is worth paying attention to the fact…

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How to open an auto parts store?
At the very beginning it is necessary to determine the sale of any spare parts You will be engaged. It can be details for domestic cars, and also foreign. At…

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Chromatography equipment
Chromatography is a fairly effective method of analysis and separation of complex substances, which is constantly being improved and developed. The invention of the chromatograph can be safely attributed to…

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Membership in SRO: recommendations and tips

A few years ago, a new law appeared in our country, which directly affected the construction field. And it applies not only to builders, but also to designers. Previously obtained licenses under the new law are invalid.
A few years ago, a new law appeared in our country, which directly affected the construction field. And it applies not only to builders, but also to designers. Previously obtained licenses under the new law are invalid. To continue activities in the construction field, it is necessary to join a self-regulatory organization. That is, you will not be able to perform construction work until you become a member. Continue reading

Make a business plan

When you create a new business, a mandatory moment is the preparation of a business plan. Every entrepreneur understands that it is important to competently draw up a business plan, as it is the main tool for obtaining a Bank loan or cooperation with potential investors.
When you create a new business, a mandatory moment is the preparation of a business plan. Every entrepreneur understands that it is important to competently draw up a business plan, as it is the main tool for obtaining a Bank loan or cooperation with potential investors. Continue reading

We stop activity of LLC

There are situations when it is necessary to suspend business activities. In this case, the cardinal solution is the liquidation of the company and a complete stop of activity.
In this case, the entrepreneur may prefer a temporary shutdown of the LLC. In other words, the activity is frozen for an indefinite time. In the legislation there is no concept – “suspension of activity”. With economic entities such action is not yet provided. For this reason, if there is a need to temporarily stop the activities of the company, you can turn to experienced in this business enterprises. Continue reading

Features of the certificate of incorporation
There are situations when you need to know information about the legal entity that is present in the state register. In this case, You can not do without a special…


Business in the field of information technology
Most likely, IT-business is considered to be the most actively developing sphere of life. Almost every day there are new concepts and modern technologies. However, it is interesting that, as…


IPhone repair: how to find good service?
Repair of iPhones today is performed by many companies, so it is difficult to choose good specialists from such a number of proposals. Repair of iPhones today is performed by…
