Cheap travel: travel
At any stage, you can save significantly, and then the most ambitious plans easily fit into the most modest budget. The budget of any trip is determined by the goals…

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Advertising on transport in Tver
Transport advertising in Tver is the most popular type of outdoor. And has such advantages as: 1. This type of advertising is voiced by most of the audience, and all…

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We stop activity of LLC
There are situations when it is necessary to suspend business activities. In this case, the cardinal solution is the liquidation of the company and a complete stop of activity. In…

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How to close your business?

Quite often, the founders of those companies that have ceased their activities are in no hurry to close them. They are sure that after a while on the initiative of the tax authority the company will be liquidated automatically.
Quite often, the founders of those companies that have ceased their activities are in no hurry to close them. They are sure that after a while on the initiative of the tax authority the company will be liquidated automatically. Indeed, the tax Inspectorate has such powers.According to the legislation, if a legal entity has not provided reports and has not performed any operations on its accounts for the last year, it is actually considered that it has ceased operations. Such a decision should be taken by the registering body.
Closing a large business, it is desirable to enlist the support of a trusted lawyer and accountant. Continue reading

Make a business plan

When you create a new business, a mandatory moment is the preparation of a business plan. Every entrepreneur understands that it is important to competently draw up a business plan, as it is the main tool for obtaining a Bank loan or cooperation with potential investors.
When you create a new business, a mandatory moment is the preparation of a business plan. Every entrepreneur understands that it is important to competently draw up a business plan, as it is the main tool for obtaining a Bank loan or cooperation with potential investors. Continue reading

Backhoe loaders and their advantages
Backhoe loaders are considered a universal technique. They are practical and multifunctional. Such an excavator has two buckets. The front has a sufficiently large carrying capacity and is designed for…


Control of working time of employees: how to achieve the implementation of plans
Nowadays, time is valued at its weight in gold, so the main goal of many organizations is to deliver projects on time. However, what to do to the head, whose…


Cash Register: Features of Choice
When buying a cash register, it is necessary to be guided not only by the ratio of price and quality, but also should take into account all the specific features…
