Membership in SRO: recommendations and tips
A few years ago, a new law appeared in our country, which directly affected the construction field. And it applies not only to builders, but also to designers. Previously obtained…

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Currency control for your business
Any business involves a large number of currency transactions. At the same time, if you have foreign partners, you will have to work with several types of this very currency,…

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Currency control for your business
Any business involves a large number of currency transactions. At the same time, if you have foreign partners, you will have to work with several types of this very currency,…

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Create a business from scratch and not get burned out

Today, many employees are beginning to realize that having their own business is much more profitable and enjoyable than working for someone else’s uncle.
Hoping for a state is almost as futile as believing in a tooth fairy. Unfortunately, the pension that awaits us in the future promises us only the opportunity to buy a minimum set of products. Not life, but survival. Continue reading

Benefits of an insurance broker
Insurance brokerage in our country appeared recently. The insurance broker is an intermediary between the insurance company and the insured person. According to the status, this is the representative of…


How to choose a cottage?
In any case, the acquisition of your own cottage is the most common and, perhaps, difficult way, thanks to which the "housing issue" is solved. This path most often needs…


What are binary options and how to use them?
A binary option is a very simple trading tool that involves only two options – losing or winning. A binary option is a very simple trading tool that involves only…
