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BTL services market in Russia

Since BTL services directly came to Russia from the West, their delivery is based on well-established and tested principles of work. But it is worth paying attention to the fact that in Russia everything is very specific.
The dynamics of the development of the advertising services market is evident. Surely, memories of consumers are still fresh memories of the first awkward commercials shown on television. Compared to today’s advertising products, they looked ugly, deliberately defiant and did not produce the proper impression. Gradually, promotional products distributed free of charge began to appear in stores, and everyone immediately noticed that consumer service was beginning to emerge. But the friendly and smiling young men and women in bright clothes, giving out discount coupons on the streets, inviting for sales and all kinds of promotions, still scare away many potential buyers. But in vain.

BTL services in Russia and the West

More recently, BTL services popular in Europe and America are gradually gaining momentum in Russia. Characteristically, noisy promotions in the West no longer attract attention. Sophisticated Western consumers are simply fed up with all kinds of eccentric inventions of manufacturers, who are trying in every way to promote their product and make it popular.

In Russia, BTL services are in steady demand. And if on the streets and in the stores of megalopolises some kinds of promotions are held daily, then on the periphery a person dressed as a hero from a popular cartoon and giving out invitations to open a new store, coupons for discounts or other promotional items, makes a splash and is remembered for a long time. In addition, well-planned promotions can simultaneously solve several problems: boost sales, recall the brand name, maintain the brand status.

BTL Services Market Prospects

It is impossible to say that in the coming years the demand for btl services will decline. Most Russian commercial companies work with an eye on a competitor. Once he held a noisy event with the distribution of prizes and gifts, announced holiday discounts, tastings, or something like that, then we need to hold something interesting and memorable. This specificity of the Russian mentality provides the basis for the fruitful development of btl advertising in Russia. Thus, the range of BTL services is constantly expanding, new specialists and fresh ideas appear, which allow stimulating sales with optimal costs.

True, trends change periodically. From the mass printing boom supported by television and radio advertising, companies switched to promotions that allow them to advertise their products at points of sale by direct communication with the consumer, establishing close contact with them. A particularly fashionable direction of recent times is the reorientation of consumers from a competitor’s brand to their own. It is clear that on the spot to compare and appreciate both options is not always possible. This is where aerobatics of promoters is required.

Now in the field of btl services there is a clear departure from established standards and templates. Any campaign or event is invariably preceded by painstaking analytical work. The results of this work will allow you to plan a promotion that is clearly focused on closing the gaps in sales technologies and creating a completely new, demanded and expected image of the product, in accordance with current trends.

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