Energy-saving Windows and their advantages
Today it is possible not to say that the electric power constantly rises in price as practically all people felt it on themselves. In addition, prices for all types of…

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Currency control for your business
Any business involves a large number of currency transactions. At the same time, if you have foreign partners, you will have to work with several types of this very currency,…

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New workplace. Behavior rules
How to start your job in a new workplace in the best way? How to join the team, so that from the first days of work to become part of…

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relationships at work

How to avoid getting fired for being late?

Often you can’t Wake up on time? At work threatened with dismissal? On the phone there are two dozen alarm clocks, but they do not help? No melodies, even if it porana Serena can’t pendnat you on your feet? Runaway alarm clocks safely glued to the floor since the evening? You have outwitted all ways to lift you, but there is a way out!

The best scientists in the world have developed a new type of alarm clock that simply will not allow you to sleep. This miracle of scientific thought is called a flying alarm clock and it is a real sleep killer. At first glance, you may think that this is a normal, boring alarm clock, which is simply decorated with a propeller, but it is not so. Continue reading

New workplace. Behavior rules

How to start your job in a new workplace in the best way? How to join the team, so that from the first days of work to become part of it, not opposing the established team?

There are a number of simple recommendations, following which you have the opportunity to smoothly begin your career in a new workplace and significantly move up the career ladder in a short time. Continue reading

How to close your business?
Quite often, the founders of those companies that have ceased their activities are in no hurry to close them. They are sure that after a while on the initiative of…


Features of obtaining work permits for citizens of the CIS
For citizens of foreign countries, regardless of the country from which they arrived, in order to legally carry out labor activities in the Russian Federation, it is necessary to obtain…


Best offer from mmcis index top 20
Profitable investment always remains a problem for many investors. In the vast expanses of the international Forex market there is a large variety of programs, but few of them can…
