How to choose a cottage?
In any case, the acquisition of your own cottage is the most common and, perhaps, difficult way, thanks to which the "housing issue" is solved. This path most often needs…

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Cash Register: Features of Choice
When buying a cash register, it is necessary to be guided not only by the ratio of price and quality, but also should take into account all the specific features…

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To whom to entrust the removal of construction waste?
A service that relates to the removal or collection of waste can most often be ordered by a special complex, but it can also be done separately. To manage various…

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Features of obtaining work permits for citizens of the CIS

For citizens of foreign countries, regardless of the country from which they arrived, in order to legally carry out labor activities in the Russian Federation, it is necessary to obtain a permit or patent for work.

There are some nuances with which it is advisable for foreign citizens, in particular residents of the CIS, to familiarize themselves in advance. Continue reading

Quality Management System ISO 9001
Today, quality management with ISO is in some way a common noun, it supersedes many standards, including international standards, moreover, the concept of ISO has become almost the same as…


BTL services market in Russia
Since BTL services directly came to Russia from the West, their delivery is based on well-established and tested principles of work. But it is worth paying attention to the fact…


Building mixtures
Construction is a very large area of ​​activity where many different building materials are used. Especially a lot of building mixtures of cement and cement are required here, because they…
